当前城市:佛山 |热门城市: 深圳|东莞|惠州|中山|广州|江门|长沙
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房源亮点 南海区官窑镇经典小独院标准厂房15600方出租有红本可办理各类环评.适合电子电器.食品.仓库.各类组装.等等各行各业.厂房形象好。地理位置优越,工业氛围浓厚,好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -10455.857544517348 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726848724.8575444 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 房源亮点1厂房位于狮山官窑1100方,全新独院厂房,欢迎来电来函咨询。,厂房如图所示,价格可谈。2.实用面积大,,环境佳,工业气氛浓厚,空间格局好,采光好通风,......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -10391.752577319596 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726848660.7525773 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 房源亮点1佛山南海区官窑,车间8000平方2、厂房形象好,超大空地方方正正,之前租客留下300万装修豪华全新办公室,拎包入住水电齐全,落落大方,高端大气,车位充......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -9781.06841611996 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726848050.068416 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 描述房源亮点1、厂房位于佛山顺德区容桂镇一楼7.9高600方。2、首层高度8米,楼上7米,每平方承重一吨,每层4部货梯,2部高速客梯。3、带全新地坪漆装修,水......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -9021.930646672932 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726847290.9306467 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 房源亮点:厂房位于佛山顺德区容桂扁窖一层面积3000方可分2户,属私人物业。厂房产权清晰。环保环评轻松办理,企业可以放心进驻!房户证,消防证配电:kva(可增......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -8789.12839737581 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726847058.1283975 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 1、厂房位于佛山顺德区容桂镇1620平方。2、首层高度7米,楼上4.5米,每平方承重一吨,每层4部货梯,2部高速客梯。3、带全新地坪漆装修,水电齐全,500平......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -25712.83973758202 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726863981.8397377 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 1北滘成熟工业区全新独栋标准厂房出租,面积26000方,单层面积8700,共三层,可分租;2厂房首层层高9米,丙二类消防,方正实用,空地大,采光通风好,形象超好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -23205.998125585756 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726861474.9981256 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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房源亮点 房源亮点1.厂房位于狮山官窑大型工业园区10000方厂房,单层4150方,带丙二类消防,欢迎来电来函咨询,厂房如图所示,价格可谈。2.实用面积大,,环境佳,工业......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -4932.70852858483 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726843201.7085285 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 383

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

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房源亮点 1北滘成熟工业区全新独栋标准厂房出租,面积26000方,单层面积8700,共三层,可分租;2厂房首层层高9米,丙二类消防,方正实用,空地大,采光通风好,形象超好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -21188.378631677595 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726859457.3786316 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





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Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

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房源亮点 1北滘成熟工业区全新独栋标准厂房出租,面积26000方,单层面积8700,共三层,可分租;2厂房首层层高9米,丙二类消防,方正实用,空地大,采光通风好,形象超好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -21161.387066541705 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726859430.3870666 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 376

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Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 381

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房源亮点 1.狮山全新钢构单一层厂房出租,厂房面积10000平,500平起租,空地4000平免费用。2.厂房中高13米,滴水11米,地面平整业主可帮地坪漆,方正实用。3.......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -20638.42549203374 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726858907.425492 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 376

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Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 383

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 408

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 409

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房源亮点 1北滘成熟工业区全新独栋标准厂房出租,面积26000方,单层面积8700,共三层,可分租;2厂房首层层高9米,丙二类消防,方正实用,空地大,采光通风好,形象超好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -20311.152764761006 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726858580.1527648 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 376

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 380

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 381

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 383

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 408

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 409

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 411
房源亮点 1北滘成熟工业区全新独栋标准厂房出租,面积26000方,单层面积8700,共三层,可分租;2厂房首层层高9米,丙二类消防,方正实用,空地大,采光通风好,形象超好......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -19659.981255857536 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726857928.9812558 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 376

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 380

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 381

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 383

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 408

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 409

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 411
房源亮点 佛山大沥60000平方标准厂房仓库出售,任意分租隔500平方可拿独立房产证,自由产权可贷款,周边配套齐全可办环评。大车好进出。招工好。首付可做底20%,自己做老......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 13532.89597000937 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726824736.10403 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446





Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 376

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 380

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 381

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 383

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 404

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 408

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 409

Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($search) of type array|string is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 411
房源亮点 南海区大沥凤池工业区标准厂房20000方.有红本可办理各类环评.适合电子电器.食品.仓库.各类组装.等等各行各业.厂房形象好。地理位置优越,工业氛围浓厚,好招工......
Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float -2732.8959700093837 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 445

Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1726841001.89597 to int loses precision in /www/wwwroot/886cf/cf_new/pc/public/cf_pc_search_content.php on line 446




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